Milton, Rights and Liberties

May 11, 2008

Milton, Rights and Liberties Tournu, Christophe, and Forsyth, Neil (eds), Milton, Rights and Liberties, (Bern: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007)
ISBN 978-3-03911-236-4 / US-ISBN 978-0-8204-8917-9  pb.


One Response to “Milton, Rights and Liberties”

  1. Hugh Wilson on September 29th, 2008 9:47 pm

    Please note, the price for _used!_ copies of _Milton: Rights and Liberties_ is inflated well beyond reason. The original publisher, Peter Lang, is only charging $110.95 for a _brand new copy_. Go to the Peter Lang web-site and search by “Tournu.” A toggle-down menu will reveal the price in American currency.